Monday, January 4, 2010

Move On From Unrequited Love

Don’t get stuck in a rut if you like someone who doesn’t like you the way you like them. No amount of rationalizing or excuses will change that fact, nor will losing ten pounds or getting a haircut or buying a new outfit or changing yourself into what you think that person might want.

It is human nature to want what we can’t have (Garden of Eden ring a bell?). So don't beat yourself up for wanting someone who doesn’t want you. It's not your fault and there is nothing wrong with you.

Your best shot at happiness? Move on. Tell yourself it’s just not meant to be. Focus on something or someone else. Then two things can happen:
1) Your feelings will eventually change, leaving room for you to channel that energy into more worthwhile causes (dating, an actually fulfilling relationship, work, your family, laundry, a hobby, saving the planet, ending world hunger...).
2) Your ex-crush will realize you’ve moved on and see you in a new light: aloof, independent, cool, confident. And having made yourself unavailable, you will move from being a can have to a can’t have, and possibly become oddly desirable.

Why should you take my advice? You can’t lose. Moving on is actually the only course of action in this situation that can lead to happiness.

1 comment:

  1. And if you can't be with the one you love, honey, love the one your with!
