Thursday, January 7, 2010

Learn About Personal Finances

It's easy to be intimidated by money stuff. Or bored. Not all of us are cut out for Bay Street. But we do all have to deal with money, like it or not, and the more you know about how to manage yours, the better. At the very least you'll be able to cross out "finances" off your list of things that freak you out.

There are lots of easily accessible books and websites that demystify the world of personal finances. There are also scads of people willing to help you out for free. Organizing your finances better can be as easy as jotting down some goals on paper and having an appointment with a financial adviser at your bank. Paying off a student loan, buying your first home, saving for a trip, being able to live within your means are all goals that might be more within your reach than you believe. This is especially true if you feel you don't have any extra money to play with. You might not need any extra--but you might just need to manage what little you do have a bit better.

Why should you take my advice? Years ago when I was young, broke and single, an adviser at my bank set me up with automatic contributions to the RSP that eventually bought the place we now own. My initial contribution to that RSP was $12 a week. $12! It was all I had, but it was something. We've also saved a lot of money via refinancing and consolidating loans and the help of a savvy advisor (whose services, I might add, are free to us).

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