Sunday, October 3, 2010

Remove Oil Stains

Are you a klutz like I am who routinely has oil stains on her tops? Honestly, I don't know how it happens. Not a week goes by that I don't have an oil stain on a top. Mostly, salad is the culprit: I spear an oily leaf an no sooner is it halfway between the plate and my mouth does the leaf unfurl and fling dressing at my top. I've taken to eating salad with a chef's apron on; at work, I have a bib made of plastic bubble wrap that I lifted from the recycling bin (and I should specificy for maximum impact that I mostly eat at my cubicle--can you imagine how stupid I look?). And still, I am plagued with oil stains.

Well, lucky for me and you, I have a tip that works I'd say 90% of the time. I can't say what goes wrong 10% of the time, I suspect it has to do with fabric. In any case, here's the trick: Immediately (or as soon as possible without causing a scandal), remove the soiled item (most likely a top, probably new)and lay it on a flat surface. Then, take a tablespoon of cornstarch and pour directly over the stain so it is completely covered. Let stand over-night. The next day, scrape off the powder and voilĂ ! The stain should be gone.