I love a glass of wine with dinner. But really, all I want is one glass. If I have two on a week night I get really sleepy and then I'm no fun at all. I'm not even drunk, just tired. And often my partner prefers beer or nothing at all. I can't tell you how many half-drunk bottles of wine we've poured down the sink.
What to do? This summer, I ventured out into buying half-bottles of wine. I'd read in a newspaper article that the offerings were interesting, and sure enough, they are. I can polish off a half-bottle before it turns. This week, we've even tried those mini-bottles, like the ones you get on planes. While this particular wine wasn't anything to write home about, it was the perfect for flaking out on the couch alone watching t.v. on a Friday night.
We've even found mini-bottles of beer. So I can have my wine, my sweetie can enjoy a small beer and we both have enough energy for our kids after dinner. Perfect!